I have created this blog site as an assessment for my University studies. The blogs reflect my experiences as I am learning to become a Graduate Teacher. My teaching experiences and interactions with the students will be noted and reflected upon to improve and grow as a teacher. Creating the blog site has been a steep learning curve. Not knowing what I am doing has certainly pushed boundaries to develop my computer technology skills. I find that most of the time I look for the complex solution and discover the easiest answer. Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is transforming learning. As the digital natives become more advanced with technologies teachers need to have the current knowledge and skills to use the technology for enhanced learning.
I am having lots of fun exploring the unknown with lots of help along the way through interaction with others. http://bit.ly/f1pqsD
Check out this blog site of a class effectively using ICT as a teaching tool. http://bit.ly/kcQRiI. This is an area where I can bring the world into my classroom.